Industry Fora and Toolkits
This page provides links to key industry fora, toolkits and models, usually developed to respond to the challenge of 'Rethinking Construction' and its successors.
Many of theses fora and toolkits were established by UK Constructing Excellence and its working gGroups to help define best practices and to assist organisations to put them into action. See Constructing Excellence Tools and Housing Forum Toolkits.
UK Infrastructure and Projects Authority, March 2019
Adobe Acrobat document [2.2 MB]
Constructing Excellence and BRE, January 2019
Adobe Acrobat document [1.5 MB]
Project Collaboration Toolkit
The ECITB Offshore Project Management Steering Group (OPMSG), August 2016.
The Alliancing Code of Practice
- Self Assessment Toolkit
The ICE, Infrastructure Clients Group, November 2015.
The Alliancing Code of Practice
The ICE, Infrastructure Clients Group, October 2015.
CoP supported by nine case studies and supporting materiel.
Integrated Collaborative Working Toolkit
(Supercedes the SF Integration Toolkit)
January 2015.
KPIZone Benchmarking Forum
Managed for Constructing Excellence by the
Centre for Construction Innovation NW.
Construction Industry Board, May 1999.
Adobe Acrobat document [285.3 KB]